2 bike riders

Application form for CoNet Bike Ride 2024

14th of September

CoNet Cycling Tour 2024 

We want to invite you to the annual CoNet Cycling Tour. Join our 100 km bonding bike ride around North Holland on Saturday the 14th of September.

10:00 – Gathering 
11:00 – Start of the cycling tour
16:00 – 17:00 – End of the cycling tour

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CoNet Bike 2024 EN

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Conditions to the rider:

  1. Participants must not be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
  2. Participants must provide their own approved helmet.
  3. Participants must observe the applicable traffic rules.
  4. Participants must follow the instructions of the organization.
  5. Participants must follow the instructions of the police.


  1. Participation in the CoNet bike tour is at your own risk.
  2. Participation in traffic is entirely at your own risk.
  3. The organization of the CoNet bike tour accepts no liability for damage or injury as a result of participation in this event.
  4. The organization of the CoNet bike tour is not liable for theft, loss or damage to own property or property of third parties.


  1. First of all, pay attention to your own safety.
  2. Keep a sufficient distance from each other and other road users.
  3. Please observe the local traffic regulations.
  4. Do not cause a nuisance to other road users.
  5. Do not endanger each other or others.
Agree with conditions(Vereist)


When you attend the CoNet Bike Tour, you will participate in an event where photography, audio and video recordings may take place. By participating in the event, you agree that such recording media and its release, publication or reproduction are used for promotional purposes, advertising, inclusion on websites.

You further waive any rights you may have in any claims related to any webcasting, streaming or other publication of these materials, regardless of the purpose or sponsorship of such event, webcasting, streaming or other publication.

Agree with conditions(Vereist)


We want everyone during the tour to ride in our gear. That’s why we give the basic set for free (shirt and shorts). If you already have a set but it is damaged or uncleanable please request a new set.

Payment Method

American ExpressMasterCardVisaOndersteunde creditcards: American Express, MasterCard, Visa


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