CoNet Bike Ride - Amy Pieters

Haar verhaal - her story
Het tragische ongeval dat Amy en haar familie in december trof, heeft een diepe indruk gemaakt op iedereen die haar kende of volgde. De wielergemeenschap toonde diepe genegenheid voor zowel haar als haar dierbaren en het was geweldig om te zien dat iedereen dag in dag uit aan haar dacht en nog steeds denkt. Omdat ze op dezelfde manier nu vecht als persoon als dat ze dat deed op de fiets. Met veel denkkracht en moed. Ze bevindt zich in een omgeving, dagelijks omringd door familie of vrienden, waardoor ze elke dag kan werken aan het maken van kleine stapjes.
Geschreven door Christine Majerus
The tragic accident that hit Amy and her family back in December has deeply marked everyone who knew her or followed her. The cycling community has showed deep affection to both her and her loved ones and it was great to see that everyone was and still is thinking of her day in day out. She is fighting as hard now off the bike, as she did on the bike. With a lot of willpower and courage. She is in an environment surrounded daily by family or friends that allows her to work on making small steps day by day.
- Rehabilitation takes time. She has time.
- Rehabilitation asks for expertise. She has expertise.
- Rehabilitation comes with costs. That’s where we can help!
With the agreement from the family, a crowdfunding has been set up so that you can help Amy in her rehabilitation. While insurance might take care of the minimum rehabilitation program, we will not settle with the minimum for our friend. We aim to help her get more and better help.
Feel free to donate as much as you like, Amy will be happy and grateful for any amount and support you can give and so are we.
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